Installation 安装
$ git clone
使用 git clone 命令把 clean-blog 主题文件下载到本地
Then update your blog’s main _config.yml to set the theme to clean-blog:
更新你的博客主参数文件 _config.yml ,把主题设置为 clean-blog:
意思是:在主参数配置文件中找到这段代码,把主题 theme 设置成:clean-blog
Menu 菜单
The menu is configured in the theme’s _config.yml.
The object key is the label and the value is the path, or you can use a icon (font awesome) like menu item.
Top Left Label
The top left label is configured in the theme’s _config.yml. When clicked it will lead to the Home Page.
Home Page cover image - 主页封面图片
The Home Page cover is configured in the theme’s _config.yml. It will be the same for all index type pages.
Default post title
The default post title (used when no title is specified) is configured in the theme’s _config.yml.
Comments 评论
The comments provider is specified in the theme’s _config.yml. If you specify both a disqus_shortname and a facebook.appid there will be 2 sets of comment per post. So choose one.
注册成为 facebook平台开发者,并创建一个项目,获得应用编号,应用编号即:appid
You can too hide the comment in the posts front-matter: //隐藏评论设置 false
Google Analytics //谷歌分析
The Google Analytics Tracking ID is configured in the theme’s _config.yml.
注册地址 :
The Addthis ID is configured in the theme’s _config.yml.
使用 Addthis 的服务,注册并获取 Your Profile ID 即可。
Social Account 社交账户
Setup the links to your social pages in the theme’s _config.yml. Links are in the footer.
Author 作者
The post’s author is specified in the posts front-matter:
Post’s Cover Image 文章封面图片
By default, posts will use the home page cover image. You can specify a custom cover in the front-matter:
Post’s Share Cover Image 文章分享封面图
You can specify a custom cover to share yours posts in social medias:
Post’s Excerpt 摘录
This theme does not support traditional excerpts. To show excerpts on the index page, use subtitle in the front-matter:
Tags page. 标签页
Follow these steps to add a tags page that contains all the tags in your site.
- Create a page named tags //创建一个标签页
- Edit the newly created page and set page type to tags in the front matter.
- Add tags to the menu in the theme _config.yml: // 在主题配置文件中添加标签菜单
Categories page. 分类页
Follow these steps to add a categories page that contains all the categories in your site.
- Create a page named categories // 创建一个分类页
- Edit the newly created page and set page type to categories in the front matter.
// 在主题配置文件中添加分类签菜单
- Add Categories to the menu in the theme _config.yml: